It cheers me up ♥

♥. No one will manufacture a lock without a key.♥
-Similarly God won't give problems without solutions.
♥. If you miss an opportunity don't fill the eyes with tears.♥
- It will hide another better opportunity in front of you.
♥. Mistakes are painful when they happen.♥
-But year's later collection if mistakes is called experience,which leads to success.
♥. Evey successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending. ♥
-Accept the pain and get ready for success.
♥. "Changing the Face" can change nothing. But "Facing the Change" can change everything.♥
-Don't complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace.
♥. If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it.♥
-If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?



I'm here to renew my blog as I've said in the last post~
Well,as you all know,it's holidays now!'s quite long for me~ -__-
Nothing to do at home! Sleep,eat,bath,eat,sleep,bath,eat,play,sleep....ARGH! Boring wei!! >:(

Exam__hmm tough! 3 weeks wei~0.0 never thought that I'll be sitting exam for a long long period..sat for exam the whole 10days ++...non-stop having my exam..7.40am-1pm..EXAM EXAM EXAM~wow tension :x (physics huh? LOL) ..
but it's quite challenging for me :P It gave me the strength to study,burnt midnight's oil all 3 the result,pimples grow around my face -.- feel that I'm a zombie during exam.. sleep, read, exam, read, sleep, exam..what a tedious life :/
So now just pray that my results won't be that bad~AMEN

Friends__只能说“有朋友真好” :') Just feel that my friends are all care about me. AMBIL BERAT! lol peribahasa pula xD No matter what happened,thanks u all for supporting me, sharing ur love with me, giving me a smile when I'm sad, scold me when I'm lost sometimes (yea,it's u..FEN), teaching me, criticizing me and so on..just can say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU ALL
Fen,Erl,Chun and Huang..all my babes~ I DO care u all...对不起一而再,再而三地让你们失望。it's just sometimes hard to balance both friendship and love..给我时间,让我慢慢做好你们希望我做的东西..可以吗?I ♥ you all! Jinjak!! Don't leave me even though I'm xxx, please~ =(

That's all for today__you can go back~lol my teacher tells me this at the end of every tuition class x) BYE 
